I need exercise right now…Get ready for the ERA!

by Marguerite Kearns

How can I expect the equal rights amendment to pass the US Congress? Not now, kids. There’s an election in the works between two men, Biden and Trump this coming November 2024. And exercise wasn’t popular when I was a kid. My mother got exercise by raising five children. But something was wrong with the nuclear family. I couldn’t figure out what it was. It was the top down structure, a concept screaming from inside me. Everyone else hasn’t made the leap to horizontal structure screams a tiny small voice within me. That’s why the conventional types are on the bandwagon for reform.

Or at least that’s the simplified version of “cause and effect” that I am endorsing.

I am stretching out right now to move to another roof over my head. I’m writing as if many women I respect are in line to spread optimism by speaking in “optimistic” terms without a simultaneous structural shift.

Suffrage Centennials has a board of directors that endorses an equal rights emphasis. Now that 100 years US women have been voting, there still isn’t a woman with enough pubic support to nail the nation’s highest post…President of the United States.

I’m supporting an equal rights amendment to the US Constitution.

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Suffrage Centennial news sometimes includes 5 or more generations!

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I made 370 suffrage voting rights videos! Was I crazy or what?

Marguerite Kearns introduces the book, "An Unfinished Revolution" from Marguerite Kearns on Vimeo.

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Who are we at SuffrageCentennials.com? Why do we do what we do?

I remember going to a writer’s workshop years ago. We crowded into a small room in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The most asked question could be summed up in this way: “Is writing the same as activism? Are we contributing to a safer saner climate by retreating into a closet and writing?”

Naturally the instructor was of the opinion that writing and spreading the word is as important as bodily action. Writing can be isolating. Some individuals make sure they are out in public and writing in less than conventional spaces. The answer to the question stated above is—it depends on what you write, its audience, and the passion you lend to the experience.

So far, on this web site there have been over 600 posts. Not all of these posts are gems. Some are. They were geared to opinion leaders. It wasn’t just me volunteering. Many of us toiled quietly and persistently for close to a decade before the 2020 centennial of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution. We worked into the early mornings.



And the impossible was realized—even though the COVID-pandemic took a chunk from our expenditure of such massive effort, it was worth it. The 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution meant that a unique and noteworthy anniversary was celebrated from top to bottom of the social and financial top-down hierarchy.

The anniversary wasn’t perfect. The people involved weren’t perfect. But boy, were we determined to make this 100 years of women voting something to remember. It agitated the base. Suffrage centennial celebrations would not have taken. place without the participation of so many over a long period of time.


There were books, conferences, t-shirts, articles, events, and more, more. Those behind the scenes found themselves in diverse situations, from those who never heard of the voting rights movement to those who made snap judgments about people they never met. We are acutely aware now that this social change movement opened the door to people and locations that were significant in their own right, as well as present-day historians.

I never thought I’d be starting at the age of ten and realizing that my future would contain tons of volunteering, the learning and performance of skills I never could have anticipated being familiar with, and more. My first book is about the suffrage movement and how it played itself out in one family. Curious? You will be even more curious about how suffrage centennials move into the future.

During 2023, US women could recite their history of working on a suffrage centennial project for 100 years. That’s how long we’ve been working for the establishment of an equal rights amendment to the US constitution. We have minds like steel traps. We remember, and we’ll never forget.



The year 2023 marks the 100th year that US women have been supporting and working for an ERA.

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We’re all struggling with restlessness, say Suffrage Centennial advocates!

We can’t sleep. We’re tossing and turning. We’re restless and impatient. How many of us are following the trail of freedom with calmness and clarity? Many of us are moving to the Pacific Northwest. I hear such predictions as— “We’ll be ‘safe’ there. Plenty of water to drink, etc. Climate change is here, but we’re helping ourselves primarily.”

Location is key, the location advocates repeat. Real estate agents are having a field day in the Pacific Northwest. Those set on moving there are feeling superior and tested. They believe that location is primary, not one’s frame of mind. The rush is on. And PNW relators are smiling.Those left behind say something like: “It’s your frame of mind that’s important, not the location.”

And the argument continues. Places that once headed the list for the best places to move are discovering that location and gratitude and positive pretending are keys, but all of us are affected in one way or another by the fact that the United States has become the laughing stock of the world because it appears not to value its citizens. Many are supporting an equal rights guarantee in the US Constitution. We’re teaching our children this. The situation isn’t going away.

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If I’m going to survive the waiting for an ERA, what is my role in the suffrage movement now?

“If I’m going to survive this waiting, what is my role in the future? Should I celebrate and support International Women’s Day in March?”

This is one way to roll off of the living room couch and stop eating so many Chinese noodles.

This is also a terrific question. Some are saying—”Continue supporting the voting rights movement forward.”

What if it’s a cop out to insist that we have passed the torch to others who are carrying on the work? Well, it’s true. They are right. And they may take extra moments to review and evaluate their decisions. If they don’t, think again. If all of us were perfect, we could make a reasonable argument that anyone with blurred and colored skin should bail out as oppressors, real or potential.

But what about the systemic injustice? Right. Making a decision would be easier if there were no mixed races to begin with. If there wasn’t injustice for others, what’s the point in battling for equality if it isn’t possible anyway. Many folks are insistent that they are right when it comes to overturning the apple cart. If you work for reform, you will obtain a version of reform.

Here at SuffrageCentennials.com, we’re pulling together a larger group of those more horizontal in nature. We believe that we’re fundamentally equal, and it’s sad that there are those who believe patriarchy is wonderful. Reform will make patriarchy even more acceptable.

Are you a reformer? Check yourself out. There are no magic bullets!

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SuffrageCentennials.com represents those who say—we will never give up!

Want to cook up a storm as part of the year of the dragon celebration to get an ERA into the US Constitution?

That’s what we’re doing in preparation for 2024, the 101st year since US women have been working for an equal rights amendment to the US Constitution.

Suffrage Wagon News Channel has been publishing since 2009. This is another example of how memory of the past has not been erased. It wasn’t long ago when the complaint rang loud and clear. Not enough citizens were exercising their right to vote.

And then this changed. Get off the couch and vote. We did.

Now that the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution has been celebrated, the actions of new voters have been recognized. We are facing new challenges—keeping the voters in the back row by way of gerrymandering and requiring new hoops for voters like us to jump through.

We support US citizens who have been working for more than 100 years to add an Equal Rights Amendment to the US Constitution.

Join us!

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WHAT AM I DOING, NOW THAT SuffrageCentennials.com continues its ERA rant in 2024?

SuffrageCentennials.com has been publishing since 2013. We are pushing for an equal rights amendment to the US Constitution. I’m snacking and making myself a best friend. Now is the time to seek support externally, that’s equally true with making a strong backbone a priority internally

I’m calming my nervous system and holding myself steady throughout 2024 and beyond. There’s so much effort invested in keeping certain citizens in their so-called “place” with sales and promises and cheap tricks.

Slow down. Take stock. Be with yourself long enough to realize your and our potential power. It’s not acceptable anymore to tie down and insult potential representatives and allies of personal and social change.

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Spread the word about January 2024 …It’s the year of the dragon, say the allies of SuffrageCentennials.com

We came close to sending SuffrageCentennials.com into retirement. Then we realized that the year of the dragon wasn’t a coincidence. Nope. It’s the 101st year since US women have been working for an equal rights amendment to the US Constitution.

Many of us were convinced that 2023 would be the year when the US would no longer be the laughing stock of the planet. Officially, US women are still second class citizens. We are NOT guaranteed equal rights as a national commitment. Nope. A backlash is in motion. Women should be forced to have babies, demands most of the US Supreme Court. Some folks are even afraid to say the term “patriarchy” out loud. So much for freedom of speech.

The dragon is upset. The dragon is angry. The dragon is determined. An equal rights amendment to the US Constitution is inevitable. Join the ERA Coalition. We’re members. We will never give up.

SuffrageCentennials.com has been publishing since 2013.

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Will Equal Rights Amendment be important in 2024?

A poll commissioned by Ms. Magazine predicts that an equal rights amendment to the US Constitution, in addition to abortion rights, will be important and a potent combination during the 2024 national election.

It took generations of constant grassroots and nonviolent organizing to win the right for women to vote in the United States. As US women noted, the right to an abortion that had been permanently established in the US Constitution, demonstrated for millions that the matter represented a reform, not a guarantee.

Patriarchy and a top-down social system are attempting to keep the status of women and others as second class by viewing the matters of an equal rights amendment and abortion rights as reforms rather than guarantees.


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