If I’m going to survive the waiting for an ERA, what is my role in the suffrage movement now?

“If I’m going to survive this waiting, what is my role in the future? Should I celebrate and support International Women’s Day in March?”

This is one way to roll off of the living room couch and stop eating so many Chinese noodles.

This is also a terrific question. Some are saying—”Continue supporting the voting rights movement forward.”

What if it’s a cop out to insist that we have passed the torch to others who are carrying on the work? Well, it’s true. They are right. And they may take extra moments to review and evaluate their decisions. If they don’t, think again. If all of us were perfect, we could make a reasonable argument that anyone with blurred and colored skin should bail out as oppressors, real or potential.

But what about the systemic injustice? Right. Making a decision would be easier if there were no mixed races to begin with. If there wasn’t injustice for others, what’s the point in battling for equality if it isn’t possible anyway. Many folks are insistent that they are right when it comes to overturning the apple cart. If you work for reform, you will obtain a version of reform.

Here at SuffrageCentennials.com, we’re pulling together a larger group of those more horizontal in nature. We believe that we’re fundamentally equal, and it’s sad that there are those who believe patriarchy is wonderful. Reform will make patriarchy even more acceptable.

Are you a reformer? Check yourself out. There are no magic bullets!

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