We came close to sending SuffrageCentennials.com into retirement. Then we realized that the year of the dragon wasn’t a coincidence. Nope. It’s the 101st year since US women have been working for an equal rights amendment to the US Constitution.
Many of us were convinced that 2023 would be the year when the US would no longer be the laughing stock of the planet. Officially, US women are still second class citizens. We are NOT guaranteed equal rights as a national commitment. Nope. A backlash is in motion. Women should be forced to have babies, demands most of the US Supreme Court. Some folks are even afraid to say the term “patriarchy” out loud. So much for freedom of speech.
The dragon is upset. The dragon is angry. The dragon is determined. An equal rights amendment to the US Constitution is inevitable. Join the ERA Coalition. We’re members. We will never give up.
SuffrageCentennials.com has been publishing since 2013.
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