WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP…this is essential when dealing with the internalized oppression of women!

2023 is the 100th year of US women working on behalf of an equal rights amendment to the US Constitution.

I think it’s terrific that the campaign is resumed now. Unless internalized oppression is part of the agenda ( and all of us play a part), chances are that a top-down social and economic system isn’t going to give up power easily. A shift has already taken place. Women are no longer satisfied accepting the role of second-class citizens and the bearer of offspring.

Will this happen this year? There are millions of us. And it’s a coalition increasingly becoming more determined!

We stand on the shoulders of those who have come before us. We carry on the work, and we pass a torch to the future of those who will continue it. One next step is chipping away at the internalized oppression that is almost invisible. I am aware of this. So are many others.

Suffrage Centennials observes the generations of US citizens who have been chipping away nonviolently at internalized oppression. We have been publishing since 2013.

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