February 2023, here we go out the door for an ERA! Women’s right to vote didn’t come easy either. . .

Over one hundred years ago, the right to vote for women was uphill. In 1923 a draft of  a US equal rights amendment was submitted to the national legislatures for approval. This year—2023—is the 100th-year observance of this occasion. Will another year pass without an equal rights amendment for everyone installed in the US Constitution. It is what ties the present generation, mine, to my grandmother’s.

The effort on this end is tied to those who came before us, and we’re carrying the torch of freedom by passing the torch to a new generation that’s praising the effort and carrying on the work.

Support Permanent Exhibition of the “Spirit of 1776” suffrage wagon at the NYS Museum! on Vimeo.

SuffrageCentennials has been publishing since 2013.

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