We’re supporting an Equal Rights Amendment to the US Constitution!

Suffrage Wagon News Channel is spreading the word about an equal rights amendment to the US Constitution in 2023. That’s when US women will have been working to add equal rights to the US Constitution for 100 years. We’re partners in the ERA Coalition that has many events and target campaigns lined up. For the next petition, contact our elected officials, and more. Remember that it’s important to celebrate those who came before us and contributed to the difficult work of laying a base for the future. We’re picking up the equality torch and carrying on the important ERA support work.

The partners in the national ERA support work are focusing on being inclusive. We’re looking to advance Congressional action. We have a 50 state strategy, and much more.

A Toast to those who came before us!on Vimeo.

SuffrageCentennials.com has been publishing since 2013.

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