Have you signed the August 26th petition yet? Walk in our ancestors’ shoes!

There are more than 2800 people who have signed the August 26th petition on change.com. Have you?

Have you circulated this with your friends? The goal is to reach over 100,000 by next year,


Listen to Bob Cudmore interview Marguerite Kearns about her book, An Unfinished Revolution: Edna Buckman Kearns and the Struggle for Women’s Rights on “The Historians.”


Link to The Historians radio program from New York State.

Take your voting rights seriously by walking in your ancestors’ shoes! on Vimeo.

by Marguerite Kearns

We walk in our ancestors’ shoes to understand more fully what the situation was like over 100+ years ago. Then we shift back into receiving the torch of freedom from prior generations and adjusting activism to what we’re facing today. This is what happens to me when I view the long and difficult campaigning efforts to expand voting rights. Prior generations primarily consisted of volunteers. They did what they could and passed the torch to the next generation to celebrate the accomplishments and tackle the ongoing challenges.

SuffrageCentennials.com couldn’t go offline after the 2020 suffrage centennial. There’s still work to be done. We’ve been publishing since 2013.


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