On Christmas Day . . . an event honoring Inez Milholland that must be remembered!

VIDEO: Christmas day memorial service for Inez Milholland in 1916.

On Christmas day in 1916 a memorial service was held in the nation’s Capitol to honor the life of Inez Milholland, the U.S. suffrage martyr. The new book “Remembering Inez” is now available that highlights this Christmas memorial service, as well as presenting remarkable photos, many of which have not been seen before in publications of general circulation. In 2013 the UK devoted a year to commemorating the English suffrage martyr, Emily Davison. And during 2016 it’s expected that we will give proper attention to Inez Milholland. An excellent biography of Inez is also available. Follow Suffrage Centennials.com for more information about Inez and upcoming centennial celebrations, of which this is an important one in 2016. We’ll be publishing more digital links and content about Inez Milholland in this week before Christmas.

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