Monthly Archives: January 2014

Noteworthy suffrage centennial approach in Montana

The Montana Historical Society has grabbed the reigns in terms of the celebration of its suffrage centennial during 2014. Their campaign slogan, the Year of Women in History, is upfront about coming at the subject matter as an underdog. Women have been left out of Montana history is the statement entering the year-long celebration and the goal is to spark a wider recognition of women in history, not only educated women who have been high achievers, but also women from all walks of life who have left a trail behind them.

Montana women's suffrage website project

“Women have not been at the center of power, so when we tell  history from the perspective of people in power, we often leave women out,” said MHS Historical Specialist Martha Kohl in an article for the Sidney Herald. Native American women were not included in Montana’s 1914 victory, something the suffrage centennial celebrants are determined to do something about. African-American women are highlighted, as well as a wide variety of the many activists it took to make it possible for Montana women to vote.

The website has already been launched and it’s a fine example of possibilities for other states as well as the upcoming U.S. suffrage centennial in 2020. Funding for the website and other aspects of the project are provided, in part, by Montana’s Cultural Trust. Pay a visit. It’s worth it. Subscribe. The diversity of the articles so far is a stunning example of possibilities. Photo: Montana Historical Society.

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100-year English suffrage collection is now personal and public

Boff Whalley, contemporary musician, has written a musical about an English suffragette that was inspired after seeing a friend’s collection of her grandmother’s suffrage memorabilia that’s now 100 years old. “Wrong ‘Un” will open in mid January 2014 and tell the story of Annie Wilde, a mill worker who campaigned for women’s right to vote. The friend’s grandmother went to Holloway prison and served time for the crime of women demanding democratic participation in the affairs of government. The persistent resistance pushed some English activists to take bold steps to win their cause. The UK has had numerous events and celebrations about their suffrage movement during the past year. There a telly suffrage sit-com underway, “Up the Women,” and a major motion picture in production. Hurray for suffrage celebrants in the UK. They take their suffrage movement history seriously. For more information about “Wrong ‘UN,” see: #1. #2. 

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Montana is raring to go with its suffrage centennial celebration in 2014!

The Montana women are calling their suffrage centennial, “Women’s History Matters.” And with photos from the Montana Historical Society, they’ve come roaring around the bend with a great web site and a year’s program for all of us to look forward to. Martha Kohl, who’s heading up the year-long observance, said that an experience at several recent conferences really turned her head aorund. She asked audience members to write down the names of five Montana women in the 19th and 20th century. This was a challnge. Is it because there were no Montana women who could be distinguished for anything? Hardly. And this is precisely what “Women’s History Matters” will be setting out to correct. For more information.

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